Monday, August 19, 2013

Lots of different SUBJECTS!

THE CIRCUS IS IN TOWN in about three years. It's so long. >:(

But seriously,  today we had a circus PERFORMER come and talk to us. She talked about her seven month tour and she had some videos of her at circus Aotearoa. When she was here she told us how they set up the tent and that there was no age limit, so next time kids say "I'll run away and join the circus".... they actually can.

Today we also went to our patterns workshops, so I went back to migration patterns. We talked about the people migrating to Australia from Pakistan and places. Then one of the questions we had was how do they pay the smugglers.

I have an idea
Sand Money!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Max
    We had a boy here who did run away to join the circus. He left after being in Year 8, went to high school but didn't like it and eventually joined a circus in Christchurch.
