Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today at enrich it is the last day and me and Jake are close to finishing our scooters we are spray painting them. For the bottom of my deck I am using crackle paint. That paint has a effect that cracks and beside it I did black and for the bars blue. We made a great job of them so far but thats what I think.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The three chubby pukekos

Today at enrich week 6 term 4. Today we had           passion time and for passion time I continued my   story and I made a picture board with lots of           pictures of pukekos, cats and huhu grubs for my       story. On the last day of term it might be sold in         stores and I might get the money for it. That is  the story of my day peace out and have a nice day. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today at Enrich I did ART. Darryn taught me about proportions of the art. First I needed a story base like black and white photos or colour ones that look simple. Like some pictures in Where The Wild Things Are, like the sea monster. My one didn't turn out as good as Darryn"s because it was my first time. Art is very precise like if you get one line wrong then your piece looks wrong. So don"t judge like some people out there. This is my picture.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tech challenge

The Macgyver technology challenge if you don't know who Macgyver is he is sort of a can do man he can get out of a concrete block around his feet with trash items. Our challenge was to get a chisel and a hammer 2 meters away with 3 meters of string 3 newspapers 3 paper clips and 3 arm lengths of sellotape. Nobody got it but some one on Tuesday got it here are some photos.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

LAST DAY OF TERM 3 'Whoop, Whoop!! ' End of term 3!! Today was the last day of Enrich for term 3,  we did our assessments for term 3. We reviewed our goal setting sheet and saw if we had completed it or not. If you did, you circled yes, if not, circle no and then write an explanation about why why or why not. At the start of the day Jake, Alex, Travis and I were chosen to use the new whiteboard table. It was full of cool games and for every game there was a tutorial. We learnt first, there was 3 boys then there was 3 girls, it was really interesting and cool.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today at Enrich I did chemistry.  We used cabbage water and we put it in a test tube, then we used different chemicals to see if they were acids or bases. First we used vinegar then we used soy sauce, diet coke, fly spray, dish washing  liquid, then we used lemon juice. Most of them weren't acids but the vinegar and the lemon juice turned pink which means acid! We used alot of test tubes.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Air Pollution

Cough Cough. Today at Enrich we learnt about air pollution and a country in Iran was the worst with 375   micrograms. Micrograms are like if you take a gram and cut it 1000 times you have a micro grams and all of the cities were in the 2 hundreds of micrograms and we watched a video all about it. Today also I bet Darryn in chess and I am now 4th on the leader board and I think that is a big achievement!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today at Enrich Alex and I worked on our mural. We chose the colours and planned the mural and what was going in it and we figured out the height and width. We are still figuring out what it could be and we need to figure out how we are going to get the paint.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at Enrich I did 3D drawings and it was sometimes confusing and hard and sometimes I just it correct and we did some boxes and overlapping them and it was really interesting and fun I wasn't there last week because I was not here at Enrich and this is my picture!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Today at Enrich I played chess I am 10 on the leader board. I have good strategies for it and I use them a lot and that gets me through the game. The game of chess is mind boggling and I was surprised that I could get so far. At lunchtime I played  octopus and we did try to set up dodge ball but the music went off. And I was pretty good at it and it was fun.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today at Enrich for interest stations I did Biology we dissected flies and used the dinoscope. The dinoscope zooms in on things and we got some pretty gross pictures like these. I got the dinoscope right where the head was, pulled off the wings. Looked like paua shells and the eyes have lots of pixels like little squares and they see alot of different things.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Today at enrich we did our chemistry. We were making a light source made out of a pie tin, a pencil lead, alligator wire and a jar + 8 batteries. First we taped the batteries together to make a chain of batteries and connected them with alligator wires. We put the alligator wire onto the toilet roll and put the lead in the top of the wire. Then we touched each side with the wires.  It just exploded and made some smoke.  It was really interested.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Today at Enrich we made a mural, my one had a big bottle of beer in the middle with arms and legs holding a sausage in one hand and a spatula in another and I had him standing on the beach with the      NZ flag on it. But I didn't get to finish it so the flag isn't correct. We learnt that its good to do your theme in the middle red because it is what the eye is attracted to, this is what it turned out like.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Elephant toothpaste

Today at Enrich we made Elephant toothpaste in chemistry - it was chemicals mixed together. This is what you need to make it

o Yeast
o Hot water
o Soap
o Hydrogen Peroxide
o Beaker 's
o Food coloring

1 First you put 1 and a half teaspoon of yeast into a little beaker then we added hot water to it stir well
2 Fill the beaker half fill with Hydrogen Peroxide.
3 Put three squirts of soap in the beaker fill with the hydrogen peroxide
4 Put there drops of food coloring in the stir.
5 Pour the yeast into the hydrogen peroxide then stand back.

 That is how you make Elephant Toothpaste

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reflection term 2

Today at Enrich we did our term 2 reflections we had to write sentence starters about the term 2 like what was difficult and other things. I wasn't that hard but it was still a challenge. It was to see what you focussed on this year. We had to answer some questions like what we liked, what we wish we had and  most proud of.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kowhaiwhai panels

Today at Enrich we did something called Kowhaiwhai panels for symmetry. You could only use three colors Red White and Black. We are going to put them up on the beams after we're finished. It was really cool. We used paper to make our designs, then we traced them onto a wooden board. It was fun because it was more practice with the paint brush. This is my one.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Passion Time

Today at Enrich for passion time Jake and I called the SIT  welding department to help with our scooter design. We had to call SIT 5 times until they answered and then when I got through to the operator the welding department wasn't there! I was so annoyed but at least we got through and gave them a message. When we get the were going to make some parts! I can't wait it going to be a lot of fun.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pasion time

Today was the first day of passion time. Muffin (Jake) and I were doing scooter design. We made our own clamps, scooter brand names and our own badges. My one was a snake. My scooter brand is called Cobra Scooters. This is my one. Next time we will be creating a pair of scooter bars and maybe some grips.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Comment

Hi Max.
I did laugh a lot when I received your edited photo today.  You did make the most of the “hulk” effect! was a great website for editing photos - one that will come in very handy in the next few weeks.  You used your time in the afternoon for your Must Dos and Picks really well on Thursday - it’s great to see you so focussed on completing as much as you could.  It’s a great idea to plan out your afternoons so you can keep on top of your work load.  Keep up the great effort Max.  Katie.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Today at Enrich we were taking photos and on a website called citrify. Its all about editing your photos you can use tons of different stuff Heres mine.
I used something called Hulkify.Its were you turn your face green and purple. There is also something called Obamaify. Where everything goes white and red.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

learning wheel

Today at Enrich in term 2 we did something called the learning wheel, it looks like this:
It explains how you felt, what you used, what you learned, tried and wondered back in Term one.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today at enrich I was doing the pyramid task. It was a challenge where you had to choose the kind of workers you wanted, get the right food for your workers,  choose the right materials to build your pyramid out of, the angle you built it on, and the land type that you built it on and then you had to go down the Nile river.  In the end the King would tell you if your effort was good or bad, and if it was bad you had to start all over again.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bio Poem

Today at Enrich I completed a bio poem. A bio poem is a poem about you. Here's my one.