Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reflection term 2

Today at Enrich we did our term 2 reflections we had to write sentence starters about the term 2 like what was difficult and other things. I wasn't that hard but it was still a challenge. It was to see what you focussed on this year. We had to answer some questions like what we liked, what we wish we had and  most proud of.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kowhaiwhai panels

Today at Enrich we did something called Kowhaiwhai panels for symmetry. You could only use three colors Red White and Black. We are going to put them up on the beams after we're finished. It was really cool. We used paper to make our designs, then we traced them onto a wooden board. It was fun because it was more practice with the paint brush. This is my one.