Monday, May 27, 2013


Today for PASSION TIME I made a flip chart for my illustrations and story board. I planned out my title and some visual things like the cat and I  didn't use my real drawings.  I had to draw a different one on the computer. Trust me drawing on the computer is alot harder than it sounds, you have to get the right position and everything. But aside from the negatives lets focus on the positives. I made a very successful slideshow about my story.  It took a lot of time but it was worth it.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Dark Pit

Today I went to an affective workshop about THE PIT. The pit is a mental state when you feel that you have got into a place where it depresses you and could take years to get out of it.  This could be for any number of reasons but the key is, if you find yourself in this situation, You CAN get out of the pit using a number of strategies. 1.Telling someone about your problem 2. Laughter  and many more. But there are also feelings that can get you into the pit like 1. Anger 2. Sadness 3. Depression etc etc. The pit is not a place you want to be because you could make many people around you sad and angry. WARNING TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM THE PIT.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Busy day in the land of Enrich

Today at the adventure of ENRICH we did extraordinary things like....... passion projects, chess etc etc.  Now for an inside on all of the above.

Firstly for passion time I finally got onto drawing the cat - that was a big challenge. All of the detail for the right image....finally I got it, but then I figured out I had to find a lot of poses.

Also in the middle of passion time I had to go over to the performers and play guitar for a piece I had been learning - the solo of Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Then even earlier in the day I played chess vs Callum. I had high hopes for the game but it had a stalemate so nobody was the victor. So my place on the leaderboard still stands. So that is nearly the end of a exciting and packed day at Enrich.

Monday, May 6, 2013

First Day for term 2

Back at Enrich for yet another term. But at least it's a place you want to come back too. Today we put up a chart showing the new student led workshops. But we can actually choose what to go too- it's like a free choice class that people can come to if they want and it is run by other students. 

I also got a reply from a expert writer and he told me where to go next with my book (which by the way is coming along nicely) He told me that it sounds great and to keep going and also look on the Internet to help me with further instructions. I bet your wondering who the author was well it was GAVIN BISHOP. You should know my book the one with pukeko's and the New Zealand take on the story of the Three Little Pigs.

Also on the chess leader board I am now in 3rd place and am not certain I am going to get in the chess tournament but I have high hopes.