Monday, March 11, 2013

Bulls Eye

One shot and a world of possibilities.....

Thoughts flowing through my mind.... which hoop.... thinking about my chances. (Sorry sounds like I am mindlessly mumbling but believe it or not its actually a game) It is called bulls eye - not the animal though.

Its all a game of chance. First of all you have four chances, also known as four beanbags four hoops. The first hoop is worth two which is the most likely for you to get; the second is four that's pretty likely. The third hoop is not very likely, but if you get it you shall receive six points.... sadly its not that likely. Now, if you think you're going great and you want to take a gamble the last hoop is EIGHT POINTS - that's only if you're feeling lucky like you just met a leprechaun.

My team was going well then we hit rock bottom and had a draw for second. I know last sounds bad but that was a great effort I think. Well enough said. When you have the time you should play the game bulls eye. It is amazing!

All you need is:

8 hoops

8 bean bags ( or bean bags animals if you want a challenge)

A line to stand behind.

Someone to keep score

And a timer.

Then you are ready to play BULLS EYE.


  1. Sounds good Max, how do you actually play the game?

  2. Great start to your blog entry Max - made me want to read on! Mum
